What is the Orem feeder volleyball program?

The Orem feeder volleyball program’s purpose is to develop future Orem High school players and provide a strong foundation of basic volleyball technique. 

When will tryouts for the Orem feeder league teams be held?

Tryouts will be held August 19, 6-8pm in the Orem High Fieldhouse.

How can I register to tryout for the Orem feeder league teams?

Register for Orem volleyball feeder tryouts here: REGISTER

Are boys allowed to play on the Orem feeder teams?

Boys are not allowed to play on the Orem feeder volleyball teams that play in the fall and participate in the Utah County Freshman Volleyball League. In the spring we will announce information for the boys feeder volleyball teams which will play against other local boys’ feeder teams.

When and where will matches be?

Matches will be held on Wednesday evenings at local high schools.

When and where will practices be held?

Practices will be Mondays, 6-8pm at Orem High School and Fridays, 4-6pm (location TBA)

How long is the season?

The Orem volleyball feeder teams will play in the Utah Valley Freshman League which runs from the beginning of September through the middle of October. They will play weekly matches against other local high school feeder teams. A league championship will be held at the end of the league. A state tournament may be added at the end of October.

How much does the Orem feeder league cost?
  • Blue, Gold and White Teams – $300 
  • Training Team – $200
How can Orem feeder league fees be paid?

Orem Feeder Volleyball fees can be paid by check, money order, cash or Venmo. Checks should be written to Orem Feeder Volleyball. Venmo payments can be made to @oremfeedervolleyball.

How can I find the match schedule?

The match schedule will be posted on the feeder CALENDAR